INFINITE FOG PRODUCTIONS                Rukavishnikova st. 13-14
************************                Kemerovo
                                        RUSSIAN FEDERATION

                                        tel.: +7 902 755 7011

Distr.  : RU -
          UK - Norman/
Style   : industrial / ambient / dark ambient / neo-folk / neoclassical darkwave
          / drone / psych folk / neo-medieval folk / spoken / martial industrial
          / ambient techno / throat singing / narure recordings / prog. electronic

IF      01      ONE FOR JUDE            FIGURES                         CD      11.2006

        1       Helmet                                          4:47
        2       Refuge                                          5:34
        3       Inside                                          3:50
        4       Sonic                                           4:43
        5       Le Russe                                        4:04
        6       Journey                                         4:10
        7       Litanie                                         2:20
        8       Consolation                                     5:45
        9       Figuration                                      6:02
        10      Wishes                                          4:26
        11      Goodboy                                         4:23
        12      Sweetness                                       3:43
IF      02      SOL INVICTUS            IN THE RAIN                     CD        .2007

        1       Europa In The Rain I                            1:06
        2       Stay                                            4:47
        3       Believe Me                                      3:52
        4       Down The Years                                  4:22
        5       In The Rain                                     4:41
        6       Fall Like Rain                                  6:28
        7       Oh What Fun                                     2:55
        8       An English Garden                               4:11
        9       The World Shrugged                              4:12
        10      In Days To Come                                 4:03
        11      Europa In The Rain II                           3:18
        12      Stay 2007                                       4:23

CD      Tursa           TURSA 010 CD    1995    UK
IF      03      SOL INVICTUS            LEX TALIONIS                    CD      06.2008

        1       Blood and Wine                                  1:32
        2       Lex Talionis                                    6:02
        3       Black Easter                                    4:29
        4       Kneel to the Cross                              4:48
        5       The Ruins                                       2:51
        6       Tooth and Claw                                  6:53
        7       Blood Against Gold                              4:24
        8       Fields                                          3:56
        9       Abattoirs of Love                               5:24
        10      Heroes Day                                      2:40
        11      Rex Talionis                                    2:25
        12      Wine and Blood                                  2:24
        13      Black Easter (live)                             4:15

CD      Tursa           TURSA 001 CD    1993    UK
IF      04      ALL MY FAITH LOST...    IN A SEA, IN A LAKE, IN A RIVER CD      02.2009
                ...OR IN A TEARDROP

        1       The Sky of the Lake                             4:42
        2       The Fideal                                      4:28
        3       Agane                                           3:21
        4       Anja                                            4:50
        5       Gwrageth-Anoon                                  6:21
        6       Argea (The Faithful Faery)                      6:21
        7       The Mermaid Song                                3:59
                (Note : CD , 1000 copies)

CD      Sin Organization SN 11          2002    IT
IF      05      ORCHIS                  A THOUSAND WINTERS              CD      12.2009

        1       The Horseman                                    0:14
        2       Blood of Bone                                   5:40
        3       Blackwaterside                                  3:42
        4       The Hare / Jennet                               2:58
        5       Gallows Man                                     5:00
        6       Arcadia                                         4:28
        7       The Horn                                        0:23
        8       He Walks in Winter                              6:14
        9       Magaera                                         3:21
        10      Winter                                          1:02
        11      Risen                                           6:13
        12      From the Iron Wood                              7:49

CD      Cryptanthus     CYT 03 CD       1997    UK

        1       The Days of the Trumpet Call - Das ewige Begräbnis 3:48
        2       The Days of the Trumpet Call - Rendezvous          4:04
        3       The Days of the Trumpet Call - Viriato             2:55
        4       The Days of the Trumpet Call - Nevoeiro            2:20
        5       Von Thronstahl - The Musicians of Our Time         4:26
        6       Von Thronstahl - Flut, Trance, Traum, Nacht        4:50
        7       Von Thronstahl - Interregnum                       3:16
        8       Von Thronstahl - O quinto império                  3:10
        9       Von Thronstahl - O encoberto / The Concealed       3:30
        10      Von Thronstahl - O encoberto / The Hidden One      3:26
        11      Von Thronstahl - The Whole Great World in Flames   4:55
        12      Von Thronstahl - The Death of the Trumpet          2:28
        13      Von Thronstahl - L'amour de la Solitude            4:11

CD      Terra Fria      TF 03           2004    Portugal
IF      07      ORCHIS                  A DREAM                         CD      08.2013

        1       No Return                                       6:19
        2       Kishmul’s Galley                                6:15
        3       Fisherman’s Girl                                3:14
        4       Whaler’s Lament                                 4:56
        5       The Wanderer                                    10:30
        6       Just as the Tide Was Flowing                    3:20
        7       Grim King of the Ghosts                         6:42
        8       Gaia                                            5:12
        9       The White Island                                4:11
        10                                                      0:14
        11      Glimpse of the Complete                         4:10
                (Note : CD , 500 copies)
IF      08      MAEROR TRI              MIND REVERSAL                   CD      08.2011

        1       The Subjective Mind                             18:25
        2       Sempiterna Memoria                              9:33
        3       Big City Breathing                              14:57
        4       The Awake of Light                              3:37
        5       Fountain of Your Self                           5:17
        6       Dusa                                            6:44

CS      Hithlahabuth    HRC 017         1993    GE
IF      09      VELEHENTOR              PEREVAL DJATLOVA                CD        .2009

                PEREVAL DJATLOVA
        1.1     Pereval Djatlova                                63:58
        2.1     Velehentor & Ad Lux Tenebrae - [untitled]       46:39
        2.2     Velehentor & Ad Lux Tenebrae - [untitled]       0:07
        3.1     [untitled]                                      0:58
        3.2     [untitled]                                      1:00
        3.3     [untitled]                                      1:00
        3.4     [untitled]                                      1:00
        3.5     [untitled]                                      1:00
        3.6     [untitled]                                      1:00
        3.7     [untitled]                                      1:00
        3.8     [untitled]                                      1:00
        3.9     [untitled]                                      0:58

CDR/2CDR Fight Muzik    FM 06           2003    Russia
IF      10      raison d'etre           LIVE ARCHIVE                    3CD     08.2010

                Disc One: Live Archive 1
        1       Reflecting in Shadows                           10:32
        2       In Abscence of Light                            6:27
        3       The Well of Sadness                             8:18
        4       Deep Enshrouded                                 7:22
        5       Moulding and Destruction I                      7:48
        6       The Eternal Horizon                             11:02

                Disc Two: Live Archive 2
        1       The Transformal Landscape                       14:47
        2       The End of the Key                              7:55
        3       Metamorphyses Phase IV                          7:22
        4       Mouldering the Forlorned - I                    7:56
        5       The Transformal Landscape                       5:24
        6       The End of the Key                              10:15

                Disc Three: Live Archive 3
        1       Dawn of the Metal Projection                    30:02
        2       Dawn of the Metal Projection                    29:34
        3       The End of the Key                              8:05
                (Note : triple CD , 499 copies)
IF      11      CLOSING THE ETERNITY & AD LUX TENEBRAE : SKYWARDS       2CD     12.2010
                THE INFINITY

CD 1    1-1     Behind Grey Mists                               5:59
        1-2     Facing The Shadowind                            6:04
        1-3     Funerary Pall Of Darkness                       24:43
        1-4     Prase Mirror                                    8:56

CD 2    2-1     ...His Handshake Of Stone                       5:34
        2-2     Snakeroot And Bloodletting                      15:26
        2-3     Scent Of Sprucebark                             14:00
        2-4     Skywards The Infinity                           8:26
                (Note : double CD , 89 hand-numb. copies)

2CD     Etarnal Pride   EPP 20          2010    Russia
IF      12      BAD SECTOR              TRANSPONDER                     CD      02.2011

        1       Negative                                        5:20
        2       GruHiu                                          4:37
        3       Alexander 1922                                  5:25
        4       Npoi                                            3:13
        5       Ou                                              4:47
        6       Transponder                                     3:47
        7       Maria 1954                                      5:53
        8       S2000                                           5:14
        9       Pnla                                            4:33
        10      Enemy                                           9:24
        11      Yst                                             4:54
        12      Waal                                            4:07

CDR     Blade           WMDA 002        1999    IT
IF      13      INORGANIC BLOSSOMING    AUTUMNDRONES                    CD      10.2010

        1       Autumndrones                                    9:14
        2       Breath of Leaves                                12:40
        3       Sleep on the Wind                               6:00
                (Note : CD , 292 numb. copies)
IF      14      ATARAXIA                SUENOS                          2CD       .2012

CD 1            Part I: Ego promitto domino
        1.01    Parti de mal                                    3:01
        1.02    Saderaladon                                     4:29
        1.03    Belle Jolande                                   5:44
        1.04    Il bagatto                                      4:12
        1.05    Melisanda (bonus track)                         8:57
                Part II: L'âme d'eau
        1.06    Mon âme sorciere                                3:08
        1.07    Eleven                                          5:38
        1.08    Mnemosine                                       4:39
        1.09    I Love Every Waving Thing                       3:13
                Part III: Sandy Dunes
        1.10    Encrucijada                                     7:09
        1.11    Funeral in Datca                                3:10
        1.12    The Corals of Aqaba                             6:39
        1.13    Nemrut Dagi                                     3:33

cd 2            Live in Buenos Aires - April 21st 2001
        2.01    Mnemosine                                       4:58
        2.02    Saderaladon                                     4:46
        2.03    Belle Jolande                                   4:50
        2.04    Parti de mal                                    2:44
        2.05    The Corals of Aqaba                             6:27
                (Note : 2CD , 200 copies + A5 digipak + 10 p. booklet)
IF      15      IN SLAUGHTER NATIVES    INSANITY & TREATMENT            3CD     10.2011

CD 1            Mort Aux Vaches:
        1.1     Truth Awakening [Awakening]
        1.2     Clean Cathedral
        1.3     Purgate My Stain [Pure]
        1.4     Sacred Worms
        1.5     To Mega Therion
        1.6     Death, Just Only Death
        1.7     Skin Sore Eyes
        1.8     Burn My Rest

CD 2            Madrid:
        2.1     Intro / Truth Awakening
        2.2     You Are the Dead
        2.3     Still Tearing My Life Away
        2.4     As My Shield
        2.5     Ashes of Angels
        2.6     Blood Testural
        2.7     Purgate My Stain
        2.8     Sacred Worms
        2.9     Clean Cathedral

CD 3            Moscow:
        3.1     Intro / Clean Cathedral
        3.2     Still Just Only Death
        3.3     Tearing My Life Away
        3.4     5th Skin
        3.5     As My Shield
        3.6     Never Closed My Eyes
        3.7     You Are the Dead
        3.8     Purgate My Stain
        3.9     Blood Testural
        3.10    Consume My Burning Hollow
        3.11    Cut Me Here
        3.12    Ashes of Angels
        3.13    Skin Sore Eyes
        3.14    Sacred Worms
                (Note ; triple CD boxset , 999 copies)
IF      16      VISHUDHA KALI & MOON FAR AWAY : VOROTSA                 CD      04.2011

        1       Vse To Ludi Zhivut                              5:58
        2       Vorotsa (Intro)                                 6:44
        3       Oi Po Doroge                                    11:20
        4       Ne Bela Zaria                                   3:45
        5       Vsio U Kluchika                                 10:51
                (Note : CD , 500 copies)
IF      17      ANDREA NEBEL            THE DARK SIDE OF DREAMING       CD      08.2011

        1       In My Dreams I'm Free
        2       All for a Second
        3       My Vampire
        4       Some Time Ago We Did Meet
        5       Late...
        6       Sometimes
        7       Ghostlover
        8       My Dark-Eyed Lover
        9       Fear
        10      Proud...
        11      Out There
        12      The Girl in the Mirror
                (Note : CD , 300 copies + 12 p. booklet)

CD      Etarnal Pride   EPP 27          2011    Russia
IF      18      AGHAST MANOR            GASLIGHTS                       CD      02.2012

        1       Playtime
        2       DecaDemons
        3       Dance The Hanged Man's Jig
        4       The Nun Of St. Claire Abbey
        5       Cross The Bridge To Manmade Insanity
        6       La Petite Mort
        7       Red-Haired Jezebel
        8       In My Basement
        9       Waking Chtulhu
        10      Fear
        11      Suck My Drain

CD      Eternal Pride   EPP 19          2012    Russia

Aghast Manor is a new creation of Andrea Nebel (Aghast/Hagalaz' RUnedance/Nebelhexe)
 who after making dark movie soundtracks also successfully introduced her old Aghast
 songs to actors and film directors such as Scott Derrickson and David Lynch, thus
 inspiring her to do a full album with dark tracks again. Aghast Manor is inviting you
 to haunting darkness and decadent visions, providing perfect soundtracks for dark
 disturbing atmospheres. With a blend of sinister ambient and classical tunes the first
 album 'Gaslights' is giving you images of industrial lunacies, Victorian visions of
 opium smokes and dark poetry, femme fatales, Jack the Ripper and Lovecraftian occult
 experiences. Travis Ryan from Cattle Decapitation has submitted a song called 'Suck
 My Drain', vividly describing the atmospheres within slaughterhouses and other death
 camps. Aghast Manor's Gaslights must be enjoyed at night, either in darkness or with
 candle light.
                /NATURA FLUXUS

CD 1    1.1     Tulpa Part I - Theme                            5:06
        1.2     Tulpa Part II - By the Water                    0:16
        1.3     Tulpa Part III - The Meadow Dream               4:23
        1.4     Tulpa Part IV - Firedance                       4:03
        1.5     Tulpa Part V - Theme (Variation)                4:05
        1.6     Tulpa Part VI - Yang-Tul                        6:28
        1.7     Tulpa Part VII - Yang-Tul Unveiled              6:34
        1.8     Tulpa Part VIII - The Forest Revelation         6:20
        1.9     Tulpa Part IX - The Very Last Night             3:52
        1.10    The Visible Human                               3:16
        1.11    Virtual Body                                    1:42
        1.12    Science in Progression                          4:17
        1.13    Screening                                       1:20
        1.14    The Scientific Passage                          10:50
        1.15    Science of the Past                             4:26
        1.16    The Rim                                         7:11

CD 2    2.1     Moribund Creation                               0:37
        2.2     Natura Fluxus                                   15:00
        2.3     Nature Morte                                    4:31
        2.4     Drifting Wall                                   1:33
        2.5     Mandala                                         8:06
        2.6     Hej Ralph!                                      3:04
        2.7     Maskerad                                        10:53
        2.8     Enigma                                          1:39
        2.9     The Scientific Passage II                       11:19
        2.10    Science in Progression II                       2:36
        2.11    Dawn and Twilight                               17:34

DVD     3.1     Natura Fluxus
        3.2     Moribund Creation
        3.3     Natura Fluxus Still Gallery
        3.4     Nature Morte
        3.5     Dritfing Wall
        3.6     Mandala
        3.7     Hej Ralph!
        3.8     Autumn Leaves
        3.9     Underflow
        3.10    Spatial Time
                (Note : double CD+DVD , 400 copies)
IF      20      ATARAXIA                SUENOS                          CD        .2012
IF      14

        1       Parti De Mal
        2       Saderaladon
        3       Belle Jolande
        4       Il Bagatto
        5       Melisanda
        6       Mon Âme Sorciere
        7       Eleven
        8       Mnemosine
        9       I Love Every Waving Thing
        10      Encrucijada
        11      Funeral In Dacia
        12      The Corals Of Aqaba
        13      Nemrut Dagi

CD      Cruel Moon      BC 006          2001    Sweden

        1       Moonlit Silence                                 20:37
        2       Wastelands Of Ice (Under Northern Lights)       10:11
        3       Distant Icepace                                 17:46
        4       Waiting For The Sun                             12:35
                (Note : CD , 99 hand-numb. copies)
IF      22      NEUTRAL                 LUISENKIRCHE, KONIGSBERG        CD+DVD  05.2013

        CD 1    The Starfall Of Nevermore                       4:44
        CD 2    Last Tale Of Love                               4:14
        CD 3    Noone To Follow                                 5:01
        CD 4    Bury                                            4:06
        CD 5    Serpents Of The Dawn                            4:51
        CD 6    The Gift Of The Sea                             5:04
        CD 7    The Woods Of Autumn Blaze                       5:37
        CD 8    Ride On                                         3:39
        DVD 1   The Starfall Of Nevermore
        DVD 2   Last Tale Of Love
        DVD 3   Noone To Follow
        DVD 4   Bury
        DVD 5   Serpents Of The Dawn
        DVD 6   The Gift Of The Sea
        DVD 7   The Woods Of Autumn Blaze
        DVD 8   Ride On
                (Note : CD + DVD , 99 copies)

CDR     Eis Und Licht   EIS 051         2006    GE
IF      23      NEUTRAL                 LUISENKIRCHE, KONIGSBERG        CD        .2015

        1       The Starfall Of Nevermore                       4:44
        2       Last Tale Of Love                               4:14
        3       Noone To Follow                                 5:01
        4       Bury                                            4:06
        5       Serpents Of The Dawn                            4:51
        6       The Gift Of The Sea                             5:04
        7       The Woods Of Autumn Blaze                       5:37
        8       Ride On                                         3:39

CDR     Eis Und Licht   EIS 051         2006    GE
IF      24      DIAGNOSE: LEBENSGEFAHR : TRANSFORMALIN                  CD      10.2012

        1       The Level Beyond Human                          1:54
        2       Transformalin                                   8:40
        3       Flaggan pa halv stang i drömmens Västergard     8:58
        4       Upon the High Horse of Selfdestruction          4:56
        5       Situazion: Lebensgefahr                         7:34
        6       Anoxi                                           5:43
        7       The Last Breath of Tellus                       6:31
        8       Mani VS Apati                                   4:15
        9       Tillsammans men ensam i stillhetens kapell      7:05
        10      Obducentens dröm                                4:27
        11      De vadar mig in i döden                         8:47
                (Note : CD , 200 hand-numb. copies)

CDR     Ominous         OR 005          2007    Sweden
IF      25      DIAGNOSE: LEBENSGEFAHR : TRANSFORMALIN                  CD      10.2012

        1       The Level Beyond Human                          1:54
        2       Transformalin                                   8:40
        3       Flaggan pa halv stang i drömmens Västergard     8:58
        4       Upon the High Horse of Selfdestruction          4:56
        5       Situazion: Lebensgefahr                         7:34
        6       Anoxi                                           5:43
        7       The Last Breath of Tellus                       6:31
        8       Mani VS Apati                                   4:15
        9       Tillsammans men ensam i stillhetens kapell      7:05
        10      Obducentens dröm                                4:27
        11      De vadar mig in i döden                         8:47
IF      26      ATRIUM CARCERI & ELDAR : SACROSANCT                     CD      10.2012

        1       Withering                                       4:28
        2       Tomorrow's Dust                                 5:45
        3       Freeman                                         4:42
        4       The Vault                                       7:26
        5       Betrayal                                        5:17
        6       So They Speak                                   5:14
        7       Sol                                             4:50
        8       Of Salt                                         7:16
        9       Burial                                          3:08
IF      27      ATRIUM CARCERI & ELDAR : SACROSANCT                     CD+DVD  10.2012

(Note : Hardcover A5 Digibook limited to 100 copies. Bonus DVD incl. "Sacrosanct" in
        extremly high audio quality (44.1 khz/ 24bit))
IF      28      ATTRITION               INVOCATION                      CD      10.2012

        1       I                                               5:24
        2       II                                              2:00
        3       III                                             3:23
        4       IV                                              1:32
        5       V                                               7:12
        6       VI                                              2:42
        7       VII                                             2:08
        8       VIII                                            10:48
        9       IX                                              18:30

9FLAC   Sub Culture     SUBCULTURE 084  2013    UK
IF      29      DER GOLEM                                               2CD     11.2012
                (Note : double CD , 199 numb. copies)
IF      30      raison d'etre           COLLECTED WORKS                 CD      03.2013

        1       The Mournful Wounds                             9:35
        2       Moulding And Destruction I                      9:11
        3       Moulding And Destruction II                     3:15
        4       Mourn Him Yet                                   4:53
        5       Mouldering The Forlorn I                        8:06
        6       Mouldering The Forlorn II                       6:45
        7       The Luminous Shield                             6:51
        8       Work Of Art                                     6:30
        9       Dead Men's Choir (Outro)                        2:59
        10      Destin                                          8:35
IF      31      ALL MY FAITH LOST...    CHAMBER MUSIC                   CD      10.2013

        1       We Were Grave Lovers                            1:45
        2       From Dewy Dreams                                4:52
        3       Rain Has Fallen All the Day                     5:28
        4       Love Came to Us                                 4:57
        5       At That Hour                                    6:13
        6       Strings in the Earth and Air                    6:16
        7       All Day I Hear the Noise of Waters              7:35
        8       Because Your Voice                              3:35
        9       Sleep Now                                       4:05
        10      The Twilight                                    4:06
        11      Gentle Lady, Do Not Sing                        7:26
                (Note : CD , 500 copies)
IF      32      MAEROR TRI              PEAK EXPERIENCE                 CD      12.2013

        1       My Electrocution                                9:12
        2       Sneaking Movement                               2:33
        3       Sensory Deprivation                             4:17
        4       Cursed Colours                                  2:43
        5       Boundary To Insanity 5 (White Noise In My Head) 10:27
        6       Talita Kum!                                     5:06
        7       Translucent Vault                               5:59
        8       Wovoka                                          4:03
        9       The Threat                                      5:15
        10      Endless Space                                   4:04
        11      The Last Perception                             4:19
                (Note : CD , 250 copies)

C60     Harsh Reality Music HR 129      1989    US
IF      33      AGHAST MANOR            PENETRATE                       CD      03.2013

        1       Penetrate                                       5:11
        2       Worship Me                                      3:57
        3       Asylum '45                                      3:24
        4       Fleur De Marie                                  3:41
        5       Today Is My Day                                 4:42
        6       Midnight Poison                                 3:34
        7       Spy on the Wall                                 3:25
        8       The Venice Murder                               5:22
        9       Asylum '45 (End)                                3:34
        10      The Nun of St. Claire Abbey (Darktrance Mix)    4:17
IF      34      NORTHAUNT               BARREN LAND                     2CD     05.2013

CD 1    1.1     Dying Day / Dawn and Ashes                      7:46
        1.2     A Silent Battle                                 4:38
        1.3     Kapp Farvel                                     3:43
        1.4     Whiteout                                        3:57
        1.5     Laid Bare Beneath the Stars                     5:14
        1.6     Just Another Cold Spring                        2:32
        1.7     Lost Days                                       2:42
        1.8     Varghjerte                                      11:27
        1.9     The Fire                                        6:15
        1.10    Shadows Over the Barren Land                    6:28

CD 2    2.1     Autumn Cold, Rain From the Stars                20:42
        2.2     Winter II                                       4:12
        2.3     Hopeless Dreams                                 7:30

CD      Fluttering Dragon FD 0.28       2004    Poland
IF      35      ATARAXIA:Spasms (Sous la coupole spleenétique du ciel)  2CD     01.2014

CD 1    1.1     This Is No Country for Old Men                  5:32
        1.2     Gloomy Sunday                                   3:54
        1.3     Dragged by the Mood                             4:46
        1.4     Whisky Bar                                      3:23
        1.5     L. Lazarus                                      2:17
        1.6     Sous la coupole spleenétique du ciel            5:46
        1.7     Zut!                                            3:08
        1.8     Andy Laverine                                   4:25
        1.9     Donc, je dois etre morte!                       5:57

CD 2    2.1     La reine des hommes aux yeux verts (Live)       5:21
        2.2     Le saltimbanque décrépit (Live)                 5:08
        2.3     Dragged by the Mood (Live)                      4:40
        2.4     N'importe ou! (Live)                            5:29
IF      35      ATARAXIA:Spasms (Sous la coupole spleenétique du ciel)  CD      03.2014

        1       This Is No Country For Old Men
        2       Gloomy Sunday
        3       Dragged By The Mood
        4       Whisky Bar
        5       L. Lazarus
        6       Sous La Coupole Spleenétique Du Ciel
        7       Zut!
        8       Andy Laverine
        9       Donc, Je Dois Etre Morte!
                (Note : CD + 12 p. booklet)
IF      37      AD LUX TENEBRAE         OUROBOROS                       CD      08.2013

        1       Ouroboros                                       60:43

Ad Lux Tenebrae, one of the most interesting phenomena in Russian ritual/drone music,
have proven themselves as uplifters of first-class ritual sound. Each of their few
works, is the fruit of serious musical practices, long-term loneliness, and
consequently, the identity, the roots of which can also be seen in an unusual tools
and authors. Great powerful sounds from primeval Ural woods. To create music they use
original musical instruments - bubens, handmade drums, blowing horns, flutes and other
instruments which have no name made by the musicians themselves. The disc contains two
live recorded rituals, each of them was played in this form only once and never will
be repeated. "Ouroboros" was recorded with the assistance of a "Podonok", known as
a member of Ural project Nuclear Winter and co-author of the web-zine Twilight Shadow.
Artwork by Artem Grigoriev. Sound design by 121 (Closing the Eternity/Velehentor).
Limited edition of 200 copies!
IF      38      CLOSING THE ETERNITY    SUPERSTRING PARADIGMA           CD      09.2013

        1       Past Infinity                                   8:19
        2       Singularity                                     20:39
        3       Event Horizon                                   18:29
        4       Future Infinity                                 22:04
                (Note : CD , 28 numb. copies)
IF      39      CISFINITUM              THE BOG                         CD      12.2016

        1       The Bog                                         48:45
IF      40      NEST                    WITHIN A DECADE                 3x3"CD  06.2014

CD 1    1.1     Moonbow                                         10:39
        1.2     Claw and Fang                                   8:40
        1.3     Kontio                                          4:45
        1.4     Hunt                                            15:04
        1.5     The Mire                                        7:11
        1.6     The Turning of the Tides                        10:31
        1.7     Across the Waters                               11:29

CD 2    2.1     The Silvershade Lynx                            6:34
        2.2     Call of the Wild                                6:42
        2.3     By the Healing Waters                           4:38
        2.4     Otterheart                                      4:35
        2.5     Summer Storm                                    4:07
        2.6     Calmly Passing Monument                         4:52
        2.7     Renewal                                         3:51
        2.8     Courting                                        4:21
        2.9     A Winternight Visage                            4:50
        2.10    The Gallant Crow (Skepticism cover)             13:54
        2.11    Haunted Birds (Agalloch cover)                  10:35

CD 3    3.1     Enchantment for Few                             5:00
        3.2     Hideout                                         4:24
        3.3     Harbinger of a Greater Winter                   4:07
        3.4     Land Behind the Mist                            5:09
        3.5     An Oaken Citadel                                4:54
        3.6     Land Behind the Mist                            5:09
        3.7     Mink Twins                                      3:24
        3.8     The Elk King's Daughter                         5:29
        3.9     An Oaken Citadel                                4:50
        3.10    Last Vestige of Old Joy                         5:35
        3.11    Last Vestige of Old Joy (Nest only version)     5:31
        3.12    Summer Storm (Acoustic)                         5:33
                (Note : triple CD in digibook , 22 p. booklet)
IF      41      ROBERT TURMAN           WAY DOWN                        CD      06.2014

        1       Way Down                                        7:23
        2       Lotek                                           5:33
        3       Mind The Gap                                    10:04
        4       Freedom From Fear                               5:52
        5       Deadkingspeak                                   8:06
        6       Clean Living                                    10:13
                (Note : CD , 100 hand-numb. copies, digipak)
CS      Actual Tapes    ?               1987    US
IF      42      ROBERT TURMAN           WAY DOWN                        CD      06.2014

        1       Way Down                                        7:23
        2       Lotek                                           5:33
        3       Mind The Gap                                    10:04
        4       Freedom From Fear                               5:52
        5       Deadkingspeak                                   8:06
        6       Clean Living                                    10:13
                (Note : CD , 400 copies in jewelcase)
IF      43      MAJDANEK WALTZ          NACHTLIED                       CD      06.2014
IF      44      SRUB                    TAINOI TROLOI                   CD        .2014

        1       Bloodletting Ritual                             5:05
        2       Black Heaven / White Hell                       13:39
        3       Knife Play                                      11:36
        4       Bestraffning & belöning                         5:12
        5       En sista dag i helvetet                         2:57
        6       Death Is Your Friend                            6:04
        7       Seeing What I Suffer                            5:46
IF      46      DIAGNOSE: LEBENSGEFAHR : TRANSFORMALIN                  2LP     02.2015
                (Note : 2LP , bone-white & brown vinyl)

LP 1    A1      The Level Beyond Human                          1:54
        A2      Transformalin                                   8:39
        A3      Flaggan pa halv stang i drömmens Västergard     8:58
        B1      Upon the High Horse of Selfdestruction          4:56
        B2      Situazion: Lebensgefahr                         7:34
        B3      Anoxi                                           5:43

LP 2    C1      The Last Breath of Tellus                       6:31
        C2      Mani VS Apati                                   4:15
        C3      Tillsammans men ensam i stillhetens kapell      7:05
        C4      Obducentens dröm                                4:27
        D1      De vardar mig in i döden                        8:46
                        Transformalin II
        D2      Utsikt Ifran Botten                             6:31
        D3      Obducenten Har Vaknat                           4:15
        D4      När Livet Slas Sönder                           7:34
IF      47      SRUB                    TOR                             CD        .2014
IF      48      BLASKERKORPS : NOS ANNEES MORTES (1996/2002)            2CD     04.2015

CD 1    1.1     0-Radioaktivitat                                3:56
        1.2….                                       1:58
        1.3     A mort!                                         3:20
        1.4     Blasterpop                                      1:35
        1.5     Morte                                           4:39
        1.6     CRS                                             3:09
        1.7     Mercenaire                                      3:26
        1.8     Triste joie!                                    3:18
        1.9     Experience                                      1:56
        1.10    Action!                                         3:11
        1.11    Systeme collaboration                           4:26
        1.12    Rongee par la mort                              4:07
        1.13    La Justice des hommes                           3:45
        1.14    Experience II                                   2:04

CD 2    2.1     Un seul homme                                   5:54
        2.2     Le jeu de la justice                            3:26
        2.3     Les mains d'un autre                            4:02
        2.4     La mecanique de nos ranc                        2:44
        2.5     Cheveux                                         5:26
        2.6     Collabo!                                        4:12
        2.7     Rhetorique                                      4:57
        2.8     Experience III                                  2:14
        2.9     Chasse a l'homme                                2:14
        2.10    Dernier voyage                                  8:30
        2.11    Le droit de tuer (UK Bas)                       3:28
IF      49      SRUB                    TEN                             CD        .2015
IF      50      NEUTRAL                 DNI SAMOYABVENJA                CD        .2015
IF      51      ATARAXIA                ENA                             CD+DVD  09.2015

CD      1.1     Ena                                             3:48
        1.2     Roi Richart                                     5:55
        1.3     Agnus Dei                                       5:37
        1.4     La’awiyah                                       7:38
        1.5     Magnificat                                      5:35
        1.6     Where the Sea Turns Into Gold                   5:54
        1.7     The Bleeding Trunk                              5:23
        1.8     Le nozze di Yis                                 5:09

DVD     2.1     Ataraxia's Rare Videos 1991-2014                128:15
IF      52
IF 53 LP 02     ATARAXIA                SIMPHONIA SINE NOMINE           LP      03.2016

        A1      Preludio
        A2      Entrata Solenne
        A3      Canzona
        A4      Inno Corale
        A5      Fuga Trionfale
        A6      Preghiera
        B1      Marcia Cerimoniale
        B2      Elevazione
        B3      Pastorale
        B4      Ode
        B5      Vespertilia

CD      Energeia        EP 024          1994    IT
IF      54      GNAW THEIR TONGUES      ESCHATOLOGICAL SCATOLOGY        CD        .2012

        1       Eschatological Scatology                        4:07
        2       The Messianic Downfall                          4:52
        3       Deepwood Bodytrap                               6:36
        4       Lash Cultus                                     4:11
        5       Master I Am Done                                6:50
        6       A Sinister Lurking Grave                        5:21
        7       The Golden Altar Burns                          9:21
        8       The Atrocious Angel of Scatology                10:19
                (Note : CD , 450 copies)
IF      55      V / A                   THE MELANCHOLY MAD TENANT       CD      12.2016

1 –Coil / The New Blockaders / Vortex Campaign Untitled Collaboration   14:44
2 –Coil / The New Blockaders / Vortex Campaign Untitled Collaboration   29:01
3 –Vortex Campaign Untitled                                             5:23
4 –Vortex Campaign The Melancholy Mad Tenant - Part 1                   7:47
5 –Vortex Campaign The Melancholy Mad Tenant - Part 2                   6:05

Artwork, Layout – Cold Graves, R. Rupenus*
Mastered By – Denis Blackham

Standard edition of 700 copies. Four-panel digipak.
IF      56      MAEROR TRI              MYEIN                           CD      10.2016

        1       Phlogiston                                      17:30
        2       Desiderium                                      9:58
        3       Myein                                           47:14

A 4-disc digibook featuring a collection of early rare albums of this dark ambient
project. Included are 'Flowing Ashes' (2003), 'Along Endless Path Of Emptiness'
(2004), 'Chants For The Cold And Dying Sun' (2005) plus early demo material, splits
and bonus tracks from compilations. Limited to 400 sets.

        A1      Bloodletting Ritual
        A2      Black Heaven / White Hell
        A3      Death Is Your Friend
        B1      Knife Play
        B2      Bestraffning & Belöning
        B3      En Sista Dag I Helvetet
        B4      Seeing What I Suffer
IF  58 LP 04    IN SLAUGHTER NATIVES    MORT AUX VACHES                 LP      03.2016

        A1      Truth Awakening (Awakening)
        A2      Clean Cathedral
        A3      Purgate My Stain (Pure)
        B1      Sacred Worms
        B2      To Mega Therion
        B3      Death, Just Only Death
        B4      Skin Sore Eyes 	
IF      59      FORD PROCO              VERTIGO DE LODO Y MIEL          CD      12.2015

        1       FM Road
        2       Expansion Naranja
        3       Tustooine
        4       Arkan
        5       Abzeichnen
        6       Ssw.
        7       Teleprompter
        8       Ecuacion De Las Estrellas
        9       The Butcher
        10      Untitled
        11      Ssw Dee Dee Mix
        12      Esquirla
        13      FM Road (Nortec Mix)
IF      60      LIHILESIE               THE FOG OF TRANSITION           CD      10.2016

        1       The Immersion (Dreams At Dawn)
        2       Along The Creek
        3       The Fog Of Transition
        4       It (Is Merely Ripples On The Water)
        5       Towards Ghostly Horizonts
        6       By Paths Of The Spirit
        7       When All Stars Lit Up and Fade Away

The 2016 album by a popular ambient/folk act from Russia. This Siberian one-man project
is already active for 15 years and has released four full-length albums, selling 2.000
copies each, mostly in Russia. 400 copies in A5 digipak.
IF      61      SRUB                    TUMAN-THE FOG                   CD      12.2015

CD      1       Raspberries                                     2:44
        2       Other Winter                                    3:14
        3       Ailment                                         2:29
        4       That Night The Bells Tolled                     3:55
        5       Rada                                            4:35
        6       Sadness                                         7:26
        7       Pad'                                            5:55
        8       Were                                            4:24
        9       Bor                                             3:55
        10      Dark                                            3:42
        11      For Mushrooms                                   2:47
        12      The Third Circle (On The Bottom)                3:21
IF      62      SRUB                    TUMAN-THE FOG                   CD+CS   12.2015

CD      1       Raspberries                                     2:44
        2       Other Winter                                    3:14
        3       Ailment                                         2:29
        4       That Night The Bells Tolled                     3:55
        5       Rada                                            4:35
        6       Sadness                                         7:26
        7       Pad'                                            5:55
        8       Were                                            4:24
        9       Bor                                             3:55
        10      Dark                                            3:42
        11      For Mushrooms                                   2:47
        12      The Third Circle (On The Bottom)                3:21

CS      A1      Palace
        A2      Rada
        A3      By The Secret Path
        A4      House Of All Sadness
        B1      Lazy
        B2      Pad'
        B3      So Dancing Death
IF      63      NEW RISEN THRONE        NEW RISEN THRONE                4CD     10.2016

CD 1    1-1     Aer                                             4:03
        1-2     Disjmx                                          4:13
        1-3     Prophet                                         4:27
        1-4     Prophet (II)                                    10:20
        1-5     Disjmx (II)                                     11:16
        1-6     Birth Of A New Disciple                         9:40
        1-7     Sad Silent Prostrations Before The Monolith     6:01
        1-8     Oblivion White Shroud (II)                      8:39
        1-9     Orbiting Gates                                  10:54

CD 2    2-1     Vision Of Scourge                               27:24
        2-2     Ritual Over Ruin                                10:08
        2-3     Ashes                                           11:53
        2-4     Hive                                            10:21

CD 3    3-1     Reunion                                         12:03
        3-2     Locust Embrace                                  11:43
        3-3     Path Of Emptiness (I)                           9:59
        3-4     Withered                                        7:57
        3-5     Descent                                         13:19
        3-6     Path Of Emptiness (II)                          10:59
        3-7     My Light In The Dust, My Mind Within Mazes (V)  12:45

CD 4    4-1     Cold, Dying Sun                                 5:36
        4-2     Prophet II                                      10:18
        4-3     Rex Verminorum                                  9:29
        4-4     Oblivion White Shroud                           10:31
        4-5     Seeds                                           9:10
        4-6     Obstruct                                        10:42
        4-7     Approaching The Shadows                         11:34
                (Note : 4 CD box , 400 copies)
IF      64      CORDE OBLIQUE           I MAESTRI DEL COLORE            CD      05.2016

        1       Suono su tela                                   4:29
        2       I Sassi di Matera                               5:07
        3       Violet Nolde                                    3:58
        4       Il Cretto Nero                                  3:20
        5       Giallo Dolmen                                   5:06
        6       Amara Terra Mia                                 3:10
        7       Papavero E Memoria                              3:31
        8       A Fondo Oro                                     4:57
        9       Rosa D'Asia                                     2:44
        10      L'Urlo Rosso                                    5:10
        11      Blu Regale                                      3:48
        12      Blubosforo                                      4:30
        13      L'Occhio Bianco                                 5:08
                (Note : CD in jewelcase , 16 p. booklet)
IF      65      CORDE OBLIQUE           I MAESTRI DEL COLORE            2CD+CS  03.2016

CD 1    1-1     Suono Su Tela
        1-2     I Sassi di Matera
        1-3     Violet Nolde
        1-4     Il Cretto Nero
        1-5     Giallo Dolmen
        1-6     Amara Terra Mia
        1-7     Papavero E Memoria
        1-8     A Fondo Oro
        1-9     Rosa D'Asia
        1-10    L'urlo Rosso
        1-11    Blu Regale
        1-12    Blubosforo
        1-13    L'occhio Bianco

CD 2    2-1     Velia
        2-2     Blubosforo (Edit Version)
        2-3     Variazioni
        2-4     Papavero Sulla Rovina
        2-5     Dripping

CS      A       Venti Di Sale
        B       Kaiowas
                (Note : 2CD + CS in wooden box , 25 copies
IF      66      LUSTMORD                THINGS THAT WERE                2CD     03.2016

CD 1    1.1     A.T.M.O.M.                                      4:10
        1.2     Headplate                                       5:00
        1.3     Sibling                                         4:57
        1.4     Murderwreker                                    6:22
        1.5     Slabstone                                       6:39
        1.6     Arise                                           6:41
        1.7     Credo / Nemo                                    4:52
        1.8     Beast of Burden Beast of Prey                   5:21
        1.9     Headplate (Original)                            7:44

CD 2    2.1     Ovenblast (Live)                                5:39
        2.2     Arise (Live 8/13/1981)                          7:26
        2.3     Live (Live 2/5/1982)                            18:52
        2.4     Boneing of Men                                  6:15
        2.5     Of Bones of Men                                 4:52
        2.6     Words of Voice                                  4:23
        2.7     Praxis (Unreleased)                             4:42
        2.8     Dream History                                   5:16
        2.9     Slabstone (Original)                            6:30
        2.10    Things That Were                                9:10

3LP     Vinyl On Demand VOD 117         2013    GE
IF      67      ENMITY                  WUYUAN                          CD      02.2017

Chinese dark ambient masterpice.
                MAD TENANT
                (Note : double LP , 380 copies)
IF      68 ?    Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson : Live At L' Etrange Fest. CD     04.2017
                2004 - The Art Of Mirrors (Homage To Derek Jarman)

The late Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson, former member of Coil, Throbbing Gristle and
Psychic TV.
IF      69      BILL LASWELL FT. COIL   CITY OF LIGHT                   LP      03.2019
IF      69      BILL LASWELL FT. COIL   CITY OF LIGHT                   CD      03.2018

In 1997, Bill Laswell released his sixth solo album 'City Of Light', recorded in
Banaras, India, and mixed in Greenpoint, NY. For this album, he invited John Balance
and Peter Christopherson from Coil, they did the epic 13-minute composition 'Kála',
and Japanese ambient genius Tetsu Inoue, who decorated the album with its
characteristic sound. Together they created an amazing conceptual album full of deep
drones, tabla-rhythms, and ambient collages. Originally released by Belgium label
Sub Rosa in 1997 on CD only, it was sold out many years ago. First time on vinyl.
IFLTD   70      ZOS KIA                 23                              box     09.2017
IFLTD   70      ZOS KIA                 23                              2CD     09.2017

box     Zos Kia was formed by John Gosling (Mekon), John Balance (Coil) and Min, with
        guest Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson (Throbbing Gristle). This 2CD set includes
        2 EPs, compilation tracks and previously unreleased material. 23 tracks, more
        than 2 hours of exciting material in various styles, carefully extracted and
        prepared for publishing by John Gosling himself with artwork by Cold Graves.
        A long-awaited release for those who deeply into old-school industrial music,
        collectors and Coil lovers. This extremely limited, and specially manufactured
        wooden box includes the 2CD digibook and 2x tape version of '23' with
        alternative artwork plus inserts like cards signed by John Gosling and Min,
        a t-shirt based on an Austin Osman Spare painting and some more. Limited to
        49 copies.
IF      71      ATARAXIA                PROPHETIA                       2CD     09.2017

Reissue of Ataraxia's very first tape from 1990. In 2017 they recorded 3 exclusive
tracks (written in 1989/1992) for this album. CD 1 features the original 9 tracks of
'Prophetia', digitally mastered and the 3 new songs as bonus tracks. CD2 features a
1989 live bootleg with 6 exclusive songs.
IF      72      NORDVARGR/DRAKH         NORTHERN DARK SUPREMACY         CD      09.2017

'Northern Dark Supremacy' was the first collaboration between Henrik Bjorkk and Jonas
Aneheim (MZ.412) in the framework of Nordvargr/Drakh. Five albums were released under
this name. Originally released on LSD Organisation in 2001. This release also contains
some exclusive material.
IF      73      bvdub                   A THOUSAND WORDS                CD      10.2017

CD      Fact Of Being           FACT OO1        2017    Russia

The 2017 album by Bvdub. Tone melodies, sensual splashes of female vocals coming from
afar, and wavy bass pulsations are the foundation of the music.
IF1     74      PUISSANCE               LET THE STATE COLLAPSE          3CD     03.2018
IF2     74      PUISSANCE               LET THE STATE COLLAPSE          3CD     03.2018

IF1     Ultra-limited collectors wooden box set with a t-shirt (any size), massive
        silver logo, patches and other special inserts.
IF2     Long awaited release from this legendary Swedish industrial band! After 6
        longplay albums, in many respects defining the genre, the time has come for
        the solid 3CD collection of all the band's unreleased and rare music.
        Absolutely everything from early demo-tapes, 7"s, splits, live-sessions,
        archives and besides. This is Puissance in their own unique, inimitable style.
        The 3CD is placed in hardcover digibook with an informative booklet.

The album 'The Trail Of Genghis Khan', recorded by Lisa Gerrard in collaboration with
Cye Wood, is sourced from material that Lisa and Cye produced for the documentary
series of the same name.
IF      76      VINTERSOLVERV           FROST PA TRÄDEN                 CD      02.2018
                (Note : CD , 300 copies)
IF      77      CARDON BASED LIFEFORMS : VLA                            CD      10.2016

        1       VLA                                             51:31

One hour of the deepest space ambient tunes by a Swedish project. The music is based
on the VLA (Very Large Array), a radio astronomy observatory located on the plains of
San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil in New Mexico.
IF      78      POMNI IMJA SVOE         NEBO I KAMEN                    CD      10.2016
                (Note : CD , 400 copies)
IF      79      POMNI IMJA SVOE         NEBO I KAMEN                    2CD     10.2016
                (Note : double CD , 100 copies)
IF      80      POMNI IMYA SVOYO        INYE                            2CD     12.2017

'Inye' ('Other') is the third studio album by the amazing Russian neo-classical band
Pomni Imya Svoyo (Remember Your Name). The super limited digibook version includes a
second CD with 6 instrumental compositions.
IF      81      POMNI IMYA SVOYO        INYE                            CD      12.2017

'Inye' ('Other') is the third studio album by the amazing Russian neo-classical band
Pomni Imya Svoyo (Remember Your Name). Limited to 300 copies.
IF      82      SRUB                    KHTON'                          CD      12.2017

Srub mixes European post-punk with the spirit of a dark forest, rhythmic shamanism
with a meditative occultism and the uncertainty of the future with the sincerity of
children's fears.
IF      83      SRUB                    PESNI ZLYH CVETOV               CD      12.2017

'Pesni Zlyh Cvetov' ('Songs Of Evil Flowers') is a thick potion, mixed from the spirit
of Siberian forests, mossy stones, and marsh lights. Srub, the amazing project of Igor
Shapransky and his accomplices is one of the leading groups of modern Russian post
IF      84      LISA GERRARD & MARCELLO DE FRANCISCI : DEPARTUM         CD      03.2018

        01.     EX NIHILO - "OUT OF NOTHINGNESS"
        03.     HYMNS OF A PROMISED LAND
        04.     HIDDEN GARDEN
        05.     DIARY FOR THE FALLEN
        06.     RENUNCIATION
        07.     HIMALAYA
        08.     DEPARTUM
        09.     MAYAS DREAM
        12.     RIVER DANCE
        13.     COR NOBILIS - "THE GENTLE ONES"
        15.     SACRED JOURNEY
        18.     THE LOST STAR OF MENELIK
        19.     LET THE CHILDREN PLAY
                (Note : CD + 20 p. booklet)
IF      85      ABOVE THE RUINS         SOMGS OF THE WOLF               LP      01.2019
IF      85      ABOVE THE RUINS         SOMGS OF THE WOLF               CD      10.2018

A:      1       Waiting 
        2       Stormclouds Over Europe 
        3       Roses 
        4       Last Rite 
        5       Under Western Skies
B:      1       Song Of The Wolf 
        2       Hundred Flags 
        3       Progress 
        4       Make Us Strong 
        5       The Killing Zone

A long awaited reissue of an important album in early neofolk history, which sold
out more than 20 years ago. This for sure will be interesting for those who deep in
the new wave/post-punk/neo-folk music and interested in the history of genres.
The album was released by World Serpent in 1995 but recorded in 1984 after Tony
Wakeford left Death In June. A splendid mix of post-punk, new wave and a slightly
folky sound bearing resemblance to early Death In June, Tony Wakeford's future
project Sol Invictus and Joy Division. 'Songs Of The Wolf' was released as a tape
in 1984 and as LP in 1986, both well acclaimed and sold out immediately. This version
includes the complete CD album plus two rare bonus tracks.
IF      86      MAEROR TRI              VENENUM                         CD+DVD  10.2018
                IN A DARKENED ROOM

RUSSIAN VERSION. Reissue one of the key albums in the Coil discography. 'A Thousand
Lights In A Darkened Room' was recorded in 1996 and released under the project name
Black Light District (the name was taken from a track by Boyd Rice). John Balance,
Peter Christopherson, Drew McDowall, Danny Hyde were a part of this record and this
reissue is authorized by Danny Hyde. This CD contains one unreleased track from the
same recording session.
IF      88
IF      89      COIL                    SWANYARD                        3LP     05.2019
IF      89      COIL                    SWANYARD                        2CD     05.2019

Deluxe edition 3LP housed in triple gatefold sleeve, edition of 1000 copies.
Commissioned artwork by Steven Stapleton, from a recalled dream by Jhon Balance.
Nearly 150 minutes of unreleased Coil recordings around the period 1993 to 1996,
from Danny Hyde's studio archives. Commissioned artwork by Steven Stapleton, from
a recalled dream by Jhon Balance. Mastering by Martin Bowes (Attrition).
IF      90      VALERA HIP              MOUNTAIN OF FUGITIVES           2CD     03.2019

In June 2013, friends from Infinite Fog brought them an album by the man named Valery.
More than 30 years ago (after 15 years of wandering), he settled in the distant Altai
village - Zamulta and did not leave these places anymore.
 Double album with a total duration of more than 150 minutes. Eight long nameless
 tracks of pure rural ambient music.

Dahlia's Tear is a dark ambient project of Anile.D., diverse and innovative musically,
based in Sweden. The sound of Dahlia's Tear can be defined as dark ambient with drone
raw soundscapes, spatial surreal moods and occasionally industrial, experimental
influences combining electric and acoustic sounds. Originally released by Ravenheart
Productions in 2005.
IF      92      DAHLIA'S TEAR : MY ROTTEN SPIRIT OF BLACK               CD      03.2019

Dahlia's Tear is a dark ambient project of Anile.D., diverse and innovative musically,
based in Sweden. The sound of Dahlia's Tear can be defined as dark ambient with drone
raw soundscapes, spatial surreal moods and occasionally industrial, experimental
influences combining electric and acoustic sounds. Originally released by Alcor
Production in 2007.
IF      93      MICHAEL STEARNS         ANCIENT LEAVES                  LP      07.2019
IFCD    93      MICHAEL STEARNS         ANCIENT LEAVES                  CD      07.2019

        1.      Ancient Leaves                                  25:23
        2.      Elysian E                                       22:53

Michael Stearns is a multi-genre music composer and soundtrack designer/producer.
Mastering from original source - Martin Bowes (Attrition) in The Cage Studio.
IF      94      SYNC24                  AMBIENT ARCHIVE                 CD      03.2019

First time on CD. Sync24 is a solo project by Daniel Segerstad who in 1996 together
with Johannes Hedberg founded legendary ambient/downtempo project Carbon Based
Lifeforms. Only released as a digital album in 2012, 'Ambient Archive' branded gently
psychedelic electronics with slow-moving melodies and soft hypnotic beats. 16 tracks,
more than 75 minutes of exclusive tracks recorded during the early years of the
project (1996-2002).
IF      95      NEUTRAL                 THE WORLD OF DISBELIEF          LP      11.2019
IF      97      MAEROR TRI              THE BEAUTY OF SADNESS           CD      12.2019
IF      98      AURAL RAGE              THE DOCTRINE OF MAYBENESS       3CD     12.2019
IF      99      ZERO KAMA               ZERO KAMA                       3LP     03.2020
IF      99      ZERO KAMA               ZERO KAMA                       3CD     03.2020

CD1: The Secret Eye Of L.A.Y.L.A.H.:
1 Death Posture 5:00
2 Atavism Dream 5:10
3 Night Of Matter 3:23
4 Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome 4:01
5 Love Alway Yieldeth 6:24
6 Azure-Lidded Woman (Pregnant Womb Of Non) 3:51
7 Hassan I Sabbah 6:48
8 Starlit Mire 4:32
9 Winged Eye Hadit 5:29
10 Love Alway Hardeneth 6:35
11 Town Of Pyramids (Night Of Pan) 4:24

CD2: Live In Arnhem
1 V.V.V.V.V. 6:10
2 Quabalistic Cross 1:04
3 Seven Nights Of Tantra 4:53
4 The Call Of The Aethyrs 6:30
5 Prayer Of Zos 8:22
6 2CR11 (Love Always Yieldeth) 5:01
7 Pygmy Dance 8:41
8 Inauguration (Of The Pleasure Dome) 7:37
9 Kyrie (BDSM Version) 5:10
10 Zero Kama Interview Radio Stad 12.9.1985 - 6:28

CD3: The Goatherd And The Beast
1 Prayer Of Zos 6:45
2 Seven Nights Of Tantra 3:57
3 Liber AL I.13 2:53
4 V.V.V.V.V. 7:14
5 Post Mortem: The Sea Of Cefalu 1:55

LP1: The Secret Eye Of L.A.Y.L.A.H.:
A1 Death Posture
A2 Atavism Dream
A3 Night Of Matter
A4 Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome
A5 Love Alway Yieldeth
A6 Azure-Lidded Woman (Pregnant Womb Of Non)

B1 Hassan I Sabbah
B2 Starlit Mire
B3 Winged Eye Hadit
B4 Love Alway Hardeneth
B5 Town Of Pyramids (Night Of Pan)

LP2: Live In Arnhem
C1 V.V.V.V.V.
C2 Quabalistic Cross
C3 Seven Nights Of Tantra
C4 The Call Of The Aethyrs
C5 Prayer Of Zos

D1 2CR11 (Love Always Yieldeth)
D2 Pygmy Dance
D3 Inauguration (Of The Pleasure Dome)
D4 Kyrie (BDSM Version)

LP3: The Goatherd And The Beast
E1 Prayer Of Zos
E2 Seven Nights Of Tantra
E3 Liber AL I.13
E4 V.V.V.V.V.
E5 Post Mortem: The Sea Of Cefalu

F1: Bonus track: Zero Kama Interview Radio Stad 12.9.1985

Zero Kama formed in 1983 to make experimental music. Their first album, from 1984,
The Secret Eye of L.A.Y.L.A.H. is one of the touchstones of the industrial music
sub-genre known as Ritual. Michael ‘Zoe’ DeWitt, the man behind the project, made
two more albums before disappearing from public view. This self-titiled box set
contains everything they ever recorded.
IF      100     NYTT LAND               CVLT                            LP      03.2020
IF      100     NYTT LAND               CVLT                            CD      03.2020

Siberian Nordic ritual folk band Nytt Land opens a new chapter with the 6th album
"Cvlt" to take you on a mystic travel-path of shamans. Ritual songs of ancient
Siberia and Scandinavia in an atmospheric mix of traditional throat singing, authentic
musical instruments, overdriven guitars and electronic music. Featuring Tuomas
Rounakari and Jonne Järvelä from Korpiklaani as guest musicians.
IF      101
IF      102     COIL : SARA DALE'S SENSUAL MASSAGE                      2LP     09.2020
IF      102     COIL : SARA DALE'S SENSUAL MASSAGE                      CD      09.2020

SIDE 1: 1.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage I
        2.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage II
        3.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage III
        4.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage IV
        5.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage V
SIDE 2: 1.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage VI
        2.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage VII
        3.      Sara Dale's Sensual Massage VIII
        4.      Sara Dale's Happy End
        5.      Sara Dale's Bombers
        6.      Medieval Flange

SIDE 3: 1.      Plinkerton
        2.      Volcanozo
        3.      Aftertouch
        4.      Gamatalo
        5.      Theme From Blue I
        6.      Theme From Blue II
SIDE 4: 1.1     Theme From Blue II (UHIIV)
        1.2     (silence)
        1.3     The Hills Are Alive
IF      103     PETER ULRICH            PATHWAYS AND DAWNS              LP      09.2020

Reissue of 1999 album from widely known legendary drummer/percussionist of Dead Can
Dance and This Mortal Coil. First time on vinyl. 
The album was recorded in two parts, the first in England in 1990, and the second
after a long time break in 1996-97, by Brendan Perry at DCD's Quivvy Church studio
in Ireland. The album was released on CD in 1999 on the US label Projekt and was
dubbed by critics as "the album the Beatles might have made had the group signed
with 4AD instead of Capitol" and "a wonderful collection of songs that, while in
the 4AD school, shimmers with an inner lightness that makes it very different".
IFP     104     COIL : LOVE'S SECRET DOMAIN (30TH ANN. ED./3)           3LP     05.2021
                (Note : triple LP , black vinyl)
IFP     104     COIL : LOVE'S SECRET DOMAIN (30TH ANN. ED./3)           3LP     05.2021
                (Note : triple LP , gold vinyl)
IFPCD   104     COIL : LOVE'S SECRET DOMAIN (30TH ANN. ED./3)           2CD     05.2021
                (Note : 2CD 6-sided digipak with booklet and fold-out

2CD     1.      Disco Hospital
        2.      Teenage Lightning 1
        3.      Things Happen
        4.      The Snow
        5.      Dark River
        6.      Where Even The Darkness Is Something To See
        7.      Teenage Lightning 2
        8.      Windowpane
        9.      Further Back And Faster
        10.     Titan Arch
        11.     Chaostrophy
        12.     Lorca Not Orca
        13.     Love's Secret Domain
        14.     Disco Hospital (Unedited)
        15.     Teenage Lightning (gtr)
        16.     Snow (demonic apollo a version)
        17.     Dark River (alternative ruff from point studio mix)
        18.     Teenage Lightning (various)
        19.     Further Back And Faster (didgeridoo)
        20.     Snow (demonic apollo b version)
        21.     Carvers And Gilders (Chaostrophy)
        22.     The Dark Age Of Love
        23.     Love's Secret Domain (Early Instrumental)

IFCD    106     MILITIA                 THE BLACK FLAG HOISTED          2CD     01.2022
IF      107     COIL                    LOVE'S SECRET DOMAIN            CD      11.2021

After the massive triple-LP and double-CD re-release of one of Coil's most CLASSIC
albums, here now a more slimmed down, regular 1CD edition, featuring the 13 main
tracks of the original album, originally released by Torso (Netherlands) and Wax
Trax! (USA) in 1991.
IF      108     COIL                    THE NEW BACKWARDS               3LP     04.2021
                (Note : triple LP , black vinyl)
IF      108     COIL                    THE NEW BACKWARDS               3LP     04.2021
                (Note : triple LP , white vinyl)
IF      108     COIL                    THE NEW BACKWARDS               2CD     04.2021

IF      110

IFLP    112     NEUTRAL                 THE LAST TALE OF LOVE           LP      05.2022

(Note : LP , 250 copies on black vinyl with printed inner sleeve. Mastered by
        Johnny (Kratong, Romowe Rikoito)
IF      113     IHOR TSYMBROVSKY        COME, ANGEL                     2LP     01.2022
IF      113     IHOR TSYMBROVSKY        COME, ANGEL                     CD      01.2022

* a masterpiece in avantgarde/neoclassic music
* incredible female vocal piano music, reminds to best Yann Tiersen and Anthony
  And Johnsons
* originally released on tape in 1996
* the complete tape with a long bonus track
* double LP in golden gatefold cover
* limited edition 400 copies black vinyl and 500 copies six-sided Digipak.

2LP     Offen Music         OFFEN 003
2LP     Kontakt Audio       AKT 09 LP
CD      Kontakt Audio       AKT 09 CD  











